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A novel by Temi Oh

Have you ever hoped you could leave everything behind?

Have you ever dreamt of a better world?

Can a dream sustain a lifetime?

A century ago, an astronomer discovered an Earth-like planet orbiting a nearby star. 

She predicted that one day humans would travel there to build a utopia.

Today, ten astronauts are leaving everything behind to find it.

Four are veterans of the 20th century’s space-race.

And six are teenagers who’ve train for this mission most of their lives.


It will take the team 23 years to reach Terra-Two.

Twenty-three years locked in close quarters.

Twenty-three years with no one to rely on but each other.

Twenty-three years with no rescue possible, should something go wrong.


Something always goes wrong.

"...gorgeous. Thoughtful. Contemplative... the ride itself was more than worth it. These kids and what they've seen? I wouldn't have traded places with any of them."




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